Category Archives: Comics


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This is another comic strip from my University days, this one drawn for my own amusement. It’s just a slice-of-life story about a man with an unusual hobby. The drawing style is a bit experimental, loose and sketchy; it might look like a rough draft, but this is intended to be the final version. The emphasis is on gesture and broad strokes, rather than detail. Read the story as a PDF here.

On a side note, I’m also quite pleased with how the title logo turned out.

Glendon Keele, P.I.

Gkendon Keele is on the case.

I drew this comic strip for the campus newspaper one year while I was at York University. It’s a Film Noir-esque story about the titular detective trying to recover the stolen Maltese Lion, and it is loaded with terrible puns about York. For example, Glendon Keele is named after the university’s two campuses, and the various members of the Hall family are named after lecture halls. However, you don’t need to be familiar with York University to enjoy the story.

Read the comic as a PDF.

The drawing style of this comic is very simple and cartoony; I knew that the images would be reduced for printing, and I wanted them to stay clear. Each comic was drawn on an 8×11 sheet of printer paper, and final printed size was around 3×4. There are 16 strips in the story.