Category Archives: Sketchbook

Sketchbook: Night Dragons

Here’s another dip into my sketchbook (actually, this was drawn on the back of a school handout, if I recall correctly). Two dragons, lit from the side, perhaps by a sunset; shading is an aspect of drawing that has always given me trouble, but I think these two turned out all right. Incidentally, these are the same type or species of dragon that appears in this piece — they come from a creative writing project I’ve worked on here and there for years, and they often turned up as a motif in my artwork. Sometimes people have mistaken them for horses; I’m not sure why, unless it’s the proportions.

Sketchbook: Mom and Baby Creature

mom and baby creature

No matter what media an artwork is in, most of the time it begins with a sketch. This one has been in my portfolio for years. It’s nothing much, just two creatures scribbled in pencil and then inked with a ballpoint pen, but I find it evocative. I don’t remember if there’s any story behind this image, or if these creatures are supposed to be a particular species. I probably scribbled this out in a spare moment between classes.